Viết Đoạn Văn Bằng Tiếng Anh Về Cách Học Tiếng Anh


My favourite subject in school is English. It is quite easy & pleasant to lớn study it. English is used in each field of life & it is useful to lớn know it.Quý Khách đã xem: Viết 1 đoạn văn uống bằng giờ đồng hồ anh về kiểu cách học tập giờ đồng hồ anh

Most of website sides are in English. It is nice khổng lồ be able to lớn use such a sides lượt thích yahoo, msn & english Wikipedia. I can get a lot of information và news, which are not available on polish sides.

Bạn đang xem: Viết đoạn văn bằng tiếng anh về cách học tiếng anh

The last advantage to lớn know English is I can talk with all people talking English. This holidays when I was in Gdańsk sometoàn thân asked all people: ?Do you speak English?? Everybody toàn thân talked ?No? & ?Nie wiem o co chodzi.?. When she came lớn me & asked the question ?Do you speak English?? I could say ?Yes, how can I help you?? She told ?How can I get to lớn the bus station?? I told ?Can you see this building? The station is behind it. Please go this way?. She smiled to me và walked away. I was happy that I could help.

As you can see English is useful in life. All of us study it in everyday situations và activities. The language is quite simple và xúc tích và ngắn gọn. I use it all the time. This is why I like English and it is my favourite subject in school

Điểm từ bỏ fan đăng bài:0 1 2 3 4 5Spending time in an English-speaking country is a really essential experience for the English-learners as well as the best way to lớn study the language. However, I believe that there are many other strategies for learning English, which are useful enough.In the first place, studying in an English-speaking country such as Australia gives you a variety of opportunities to lớn improve sầu your speaking và listening skills. Moreover, you practice your English while doing ordinary things, for instance, shopping. Consequently, you become more self-confident. Being overseas is the best way to learn the language effectively.Secondly, providing that the learner is hard-working enough, they can learn English even in their own country.

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The English Language Schools provide their students with a wide range of opportunities to master the language. Furthermore, there are different methods khổng lồ practice your skills such as watching English television, reading English books, magazines, etc. The combination of some of these methods might be a really useful strategy.In conclusion, there are many advantages of living in an English-speaking country as this is the best strategy khổng lồ learn the language. Nevertheless, if the student is responsible and works hard, they can achieve success in studying English not only in a country where the language is widely spoken."English is a popular language in the world và it has become the international language of business, aviation & communication. I want lớn be a travel guide so i think i have lớn try my best to learn English well. I learn English in some ways. Firstly, i learn by heart all the new words. Then i vị more grammar exercises in grammar books. I also read English as much as possible. I like English newspapers and funny stories. I usually practice listening to lớn English programs on the internet. Finally, i learn lớn sing English songs. Now, i can sing about 5 songs in English."

Nowadays English has become an main language.English is used in almost all countrys.So learning English is an important assignment especially students.But how lớn learn English well is a question which most of students notice. we should learn english by ourselves . We can vày grammar exercises in grammar books,write E as much as possible. It makes us revise our knowledge and improve our writing skill. We canwathE on TV , learn khổng lồ sing E songs,read short stories or newpapers in E,listen to lớn the programs on the radio và E tapes.It makes us improve sầu our listening và reading skills.We should use adistionaryfor reading. It makes us save sầu up newwords. The best important is that we usually practise by speaking with friends & learing by heart allnewwords and texts.