Cách Tải Map Prison Law 2


After the great success of Prison Law Map, Jaki has just launched the so expected Prison Law 2 Map for Minecraft 1.18/1.17.1, since the first version of the map already was quite successfully, for those who still bởi vì not know, this is a map created by a Tiếng Việt, yes for those who vày not know the Vietnamese love Minecraft.

Bạn đang xem: Cách tải map prison law 2


Minecraft Prison Law 2 Map 1.16 Installation

To install a bản đồ on Minecraft you simply must move sầu the maps files lớn the thư mục of your Minecraft Saves, The location of your saves thư mục will be something lượt thích this: “C:UsersyourusernameAppDataRoaming.minecraftsaves“.

The Alternative sầu Way khổng lồ Find Your Saves Folder on Windows:

1.) Click on the Start Menu in Windows.

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2.) Type run into the search box, và select the Run program at the top of the results.

3.) Type %appdata%.minecraftsaves inkhổng lồ the Run program, và press Enter.

Xem thêm: Cách Tắt Action Center Trong Win 7, Quản Lý Action Center Trong Windows 7

Note: If you are still having problems khổng lồ tải về or install the tệp tin, vì not hesitate khổng lồ ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Prison Law 2 Map 1.18/1.17.1

“All Mods on this site are posted on third buổi tiệc nhỏ sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original tải về links created by the creator of mods, follow the tải về link below. If the version that you want to lớn tải về is not listed in the tải về links below,visit the official page of Prison Law 2 Map onPlanetMinecraft.If you were still not able lớn find the right version for you, please leave us a phản hồi & we will be providing the download link.”

Download Links Prison Law 2 Map

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Hello I"m 21 years old, I"m nội dung creator and webmaster, I"ve sầu known minecraft for a few years & I really loved it, so I decided to create a mods website khổng lồ help everyone just as I needed it. Enjoy!